our planet coastal seas transcript

Like, when I graduated medical school, does this mean you're a doctor? It's under remorseless assault and it's not helping us or nature. In his best-selling book "Losing Earth", author Nathaniel Rich has been tracking the process of climate change denial over the paste 40 years and he's joining me now from Louisiana. Web"Our Planet" Coastal Seas subtitles. CHAN: CZI is funded by our family's assets in Facebook, but they belong to CZI. There are something like 4,000 million of us today, and weve reached this position with meteoric speed. Sparkling coastal seas. They're not making the same argument that activists have been making forever which is to say, it's crazy that we don't act -- we know what to do it's foolish. But its now becoming apparent that its not all doom and gloom. When it comes to the land, we must radically reduce the area we use to farm, so that we can make space for returning wilderness. Your email address will not be published. We're trying to step up and say, "yes, we're going to try to work together to save this world because they are going to be the ones (inaudible)." Ive seen it with my own eyes. But when we were pregnant with Max, we realized, "oh my goodness, the future's coming any minute," and if we wanted our children to be a part of a future better than what we lived, we needed to make sure we were doing our part. SCHOLEY: It absolutely is. SREENIVASAN: So give me an example of how it works. Up Next Biome tour of our coastal seas Illustrative Biome Tour for Classrooms. We just have to do what nature has always done. Weve exploited our forests through the ages, but if we give them the chance, they will bounce back. You can use the kiosk at AU Central to complete the request online. WebTRANSCRIPT [Wave sounds] Dan LeDuc, host: Our blue planet. And you see this curtain of green with occasionally birds in it, and you think its perhaps okay. People were coming to care for the natural world. Ive experienced the living world firsthand in all its variety and wonder. No one wants this to happen. RICH: Yes, well they moved incrementally and I should say that the treaty itself fell apart - the framework for the treat which will later be the Rio Summit in 1989 - independently of industry efforts. And actually supporting that work is something that we're incredibly proud of doing. All this was absolutely clear, it was only just stopped being a working quarry. See our privacy notice for more details. Right now, were facing a manmade disaster of global scale. But it was noticeable that some of these animals were becoming harder to find. One of the extraordinary things about it was that the world could actually watch it as it happened. Which today has been cloud dark (ph) by a movement gaining critical momentum, it's called extension rebellion. The High Seas. WebOur coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. Every other species on Earth reaches a maximum population after a time. Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope. Answers will vary. It had everything a community would need for a comfortable life. But we don't park them in front of the T.V. Whales were being slaughtered by fleets of industrial whaling ships in the 1970s. If you just leave it alone, though, it'll come back. Is that what you're looking for here? Produced by Nina Feldman , Alex Stern , Diana Nguyen , Carlos Prieto and Mooj Zadie. Why is the United States sort of an outlier when it comes to this almost official policy in the republican party of climate denialism? This is not about saving our planet its about saving ourselves. No fishing allowed, but more money is made. The High Seas The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. SREENIVASAN: How tied to the success of Facebook is CZI meaning what happens if Facebook doesn't work out? Theyre places in which evolutions talent for design soars. Answers will vary. Ive traveled to every part of the globe. At some point in the future, the human population will peak for the very first time. Their rebellion is against the extinction of our species, it's motivated by the science which says that we have until 2030, just 11 years to save ourselves from a catastrophic rise in global temperatures due to untrammeled carbon emissions. The destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Ian is shown on October 2, 2022 in Fort Myers Beach. I didn't realize they could climb 80 meter cliffs, and then we watched them many hours on the top and we're just pretty shell-shocked when we saw the first ones deciding to back to the sea and walking off. At first, they caught plenty of fish in their nets. The wildlife will thrive, and we will catch more fish. Experts say they need more regulations. One, we work with prosecutors. What we see happening today is just the latest chapter in a global process spanning millennia. CHAN: I think screen time is a fascinating question. Over half of the countries on our planet have coastlines. SCHOLEY: Hugely important, and I mean, David he carries the burden that anything he says is the truth and he's very aware of that. Use these guides in accompaniment with the Our Planet series episodes to help shape supplementary discussions and activities within your 5th-12th grade learning environment. And I'll give you two really exciting examples. SREENIVASAN: Did having children change how you and Mark thought about the platform and your responsibilities? Up Next Biome tour of our coastal seas Illustrative Biome Tour for Classrooms. We were transforming what a species could achieve. Humpbacks living in the same area learn their songs from each other. WebTRANSCRIPT [Wave sounds] Dan LeDuc, host: Our blue planet. [Attenborough] If we can change the way we live on Earth, an alternative future comes into view. From Deserts to Grasslands: 24 question worksheet, 52 word Word Search & 52 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. We now have the opportunity to create the perfect home for ourselves, and restore the rich, healthy, and wonderful world that we inherited. A powerful shared conscience had suddenly appeared. All rights reserved. The start of my career in my 20s coincided with the advent of global air travel. All that evolution undone. Working with their traditional technology, they were living sustainably, a lifestyle that could continue effectively forever. There were setbacks, but by the end of the decade they'd moved it to the threshold of a solution or what they thought was a solution - a binding treaty to reduce emissions that would have been signed by every country in the world, but at the very last minute the U.S. dropped out and in retrospect that's about the closest we've gotten since then, but that is also the moment at which the oil and gas industry started to work on this propaganda and influence campaign that we are still in the grips of 40 years later. In a single small patch of tropical rainforest, there could be 700 different species of tree, as many as there are in the whole of North America. To start to thrive. And in that one shot, there was the whole of humanity with nothing else except the person that was in the spacecraft taking that picture. And when it breaks off, half a kilometer is underneath the water. That may sound impossible, but there are ways in which we can do this. NATHANIEL RICH, AUTHOR "LOSING EARTH": Thanks for having me. October 14, 2020. Nobody wanted animals to become extinct. Its crazy that our banks and our pensions are investing in fossil fuel when these are the very things that are jeopardizing the future that we are saving for. By the time Frozen Planet aired in 2011, the reasons for these changes was well established. So again, how did this little handful of people who, OK, they were being pushed, they were being paid a couple of thousand for these op-eds, how did they get such a momentum and such a tipping point that journalists were able - began to treat on the one hand on the other hand? [Attenborough] At the turn of the century, Morocco relied on imported oil and gas for almost all of its energy. This city in Ukraine was once home to almost 50,000 people. And we were responsible. WebOur coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. Its entirely possible for us to apply both low-tech and hi-tech solutions to produce much more food from much less land. 5. And in less than 48 hours, the city was evacuated. KEITH SCHOLEY, SERIES PRODUCER, "OUR PLANET": Yes, definitely I think we've all been in the wild life film making business for a long time and we've seen that things are increasingly becoming more urgent to do something about it. We need to redesign those chemotherapies to just target that receptor to significantly reduce the side effects. Despite its size, the Netherlands is now the worlds second largest exporter of food. What - and a scientist working on the Cell Atlas and single-cell sequencing have figured out there's a new cell type that no one knew of before and it's involved in cystic fibrosis. The number of children being born worldwide every year is about to level off. Almost nothing stood in our way except ourselves. 2019 | Maturity Rating: TV-PG | 1 Season | Documentaries. Coastal Seas: 27 question worksheet, 59 word Word Search & 59 word Word Jumble, Word for Word Transcript and all answer keys. As one of the world's biggest polluters, why does the United States also embrace a policy of climate denialism? And the quickest and most effective way to do that is for us to change our diet. And so that's what gave us the -- I don't know, kick in the bottom to actually do it. CHAN: We partner with Summit to make sure that the curriculum provided is standards aligned and vetted by academics across the field. Web6:15 How to Save Our Coastal Seas Sir David Attenborough explains how to catch more fish, feed more people and restore our coastal seas. One of the things that sort of distinguishes the series and David Attenborough's other series is that you get the last few minutes talking to the crews. 6. Millions of people rendered homeless. Ten thousand years ago, as hunter-gatherers, we lived a sustainable life because that was the only option. Our predators had been eliminated. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DAVID ATTENBOROUGH, NATURALIST AND BROADCASTER: I think that the condition that the Earth is facing has never been visible to a large proportion of the world's population, and it's the responsibility of people who do the sort of work that I do, to make sure that what is happening is visible to people. Boo! No one has lived here since. There was nothing left to restrict us. The biodiversity of the Holocene helped to bring stability, and the entire living world settled into a gentle, reliable rhythm the seasons. Baby gorillas were at a premium, and poachers would kill a dozen adults to get one. By burning millions of years worth of living organisms all at once as coal and oil, we had managed to do so in less than 200. WebIn this episode: From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. SREENIVASAN: In your interest in kind of criminal justice reform, that is an inherently political process meaning we collectively decide what's good, what's bad, what is reform, what's our debt to society. October 14, 2020. (BEGIN VIDEOCLIP) DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: Over the last 20 years, Greenland has been losing ice, and the rate of loss is accelerating. And what we've been able to do is take the success of Summit Public Schools and build a software that empowers teachers to better do those things and share them with other schools freely. And you know, the -- Bush is a fascinating figure in this regard because certainly when he was running for office in '88 and when he first got in to office he was saying all of the right things, and yes things that you might hear in a climate protest today. When you think about it, were completing a journey. Below the line are a multitude of lifeforms. [Attenborough] Animals that had been viewed as little more than a source of oil and meat became personalities. This has been going on around the world, and actually millions have been coming out over the last months at these school protests and various protests in the United States as well. The result is that the population has now stabilized and has hardly changed since the millennium. I think very few people would argue that little kids connecting with their grandparents across the country is a bad use of their time. I feel free. Edited by Lisa Chow. It doesn't just happen on queue like a Hollywood movie. Let's give you a bit more of an idea of what' behind this and what the aims are. The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. A mass extinction has happened five times in lifes four-billion-year history. You've seen how the youth and those who claim to be rebels now are taking to the streets. Experts say they need more regulations. The High Seas The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. WebCoastal Seas. Webwhere Buddys planet is and he wants Junior to live there where he ca take care of him. That if David Attenborough says something, the world takes it as the truth -- so he's always had to be very careful to make sure -- and he also needs to be sure of his facts. WebTRANSCRIPT [Wave sounds] Dan LeDuc, host: Our blue planet. WebCoastal Seas. Working together to benefit from the energy of the sun and the minerals of the earth. And even more specifically had less say in, whether it's health or in education -- what do you say to that? The natural world is fading. You know, the first efforts - and this is the story of losing Earth - of a handful people, scientists and activists, a few political bureaucrats who tried to move from the sort of scientific arcane of theory to action. Wouldn't it be better for communities that you're working in if Facebook just paid more taxes? Ocean life was also unravelling in the shallows. From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. 8. With David Attenborough. Christiane, the police, as I said, staying way back. We are always making sure that we have enough - we understand how much runway we have - SREENIVASAN: Right. Japans standard of living climbed rapidly in the latter half of the 20th century. The truth is, with or without us, the natural world will rebuild. (END VIDEO TAPE) AMANPOUR: And that is it for now, but join us tomorrow when I sit down with the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi in Dublin. The High Seas The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. WebOur coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. But what happens when humans are no longer around. But the key thing to understand is that the scientific question was settled already at the end of the '80s. But the longer we leave it, the more difficult itll be to do something about it. It was a feature of all five mass extinctions. The ocean is a critical ally in our battle to reduce carbon in the atmosphere. What is the point of that? I mean, I remember as a young newsperson reporting on that meltdown and, in fact, the scientists say that it is uninhabitable by humans for the next 20,000 years and yet here you have these resilient forests growing. People talk about climate, is it something of the future? Traversed by whales, sharks, turtles, tuna and albatross and home to mysterious deep-sea creatures, these are the true wilds of our planet. Without fresh water, life on land wouldn't exist. All sorts of things that you had no idea had ever existed, all in a multitude of colors, all unbelievably beautiful. They were virtually impossible to find. [chuckles] Because I wish the struggle wasnt there or necessary. Unless his previous shows like "Planet Earth", this one emphasizes the peril to the planet but also features the same excellent cinematography. Focusing on a specific period, from the birth of Black Wall Street to its catastrophic downfall over the course of two bloody days, and finally the fallout and reconstruction. Thats almost 20 times the energy we need just from sunlight. Just target that receptor to significantly reduce the side effects a manmade disaster of air... 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    our planet coastal seas transcript