nxivm branding video

Contact Frank with tips or for help. They were empowered. After all, NXIVM had a lot of connections in Mexico. Updated: Jun 25, 2021 / 09:43 AM EDT. This is an actual film of murder and you see it complete in less than seven minutes. The subjects of the fright experiments were not alone. A witness at the trial of Keith Raniere, Nxivm's leader, described being branded and the harsh punishments meted out to women for failing to follow orders. Ms. Mack will remain subject to home confinement until September, when she is scheduled to begin serving her sentence. I dont know if that, thats a feeling of submission, you know, Raniere said in that recording. Dr. Brandon Porter should know better than to subject unwitting people to graphic violence. NEW YORK (AP) The unrepentant former leader of the cult-like NXIVM group was ordered on Tuesday to pay $3.5 million to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, a sum including the cost of surgically removing scars from branding rituals performed by a secret sorority. If you consider yourself a reporter, please stick to reporters etiquette. Shell head to Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil with Sabrina Carpenter. by saying they would be part of a female mentorship program. \"It was horrific,\" she told Inside Edition. Roberts purchased a cauterizing machine for the sessions. It symbolized our solidarity. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolies Expensive Lawsuit Over Cheap Ros, Explained. Feel free to do the same. But for the past six weeks, Raniere has stood trial in a New York federal court accused of creating an alleged sex cult . I think Frank is taking the principled stand on this. Does data and conclusions of human fright experiment findings exist? Right now, if we visit your blog, its kind of an unavoidable image. Wowza! Because of all its legal battles, NXIVM has hired lots of attorneys in lots of cities. According to our sources, Dr. Roberts is telling Mr. Ranieres followers that she branded the women only because Mr. Raniere devised the idea. The internet is forever. Dr. Roberts branded 17 women with the . I feel like I was just subjected to a fright experiment here! And me getting hotter and more irritated and my heartbeat going up and sweating terribly . As always, glad to have a forum to discuss these matters freely. There is no box office numbers. Subjects were incompletely informed about the nature of the experiment [and] were tricked, or coerced, into remaining in the experiment. The women lay nude as Roberts permanently stamped scarred them just below their bikini line with an insignia incorporating Ranieres initials, KR. an acronym for a Latin phrase that roughly translates to "Lord/Master of the Obedient Female. India and Catherine Oxenberg discuss the Nxivm and share the details of India's branding ceremony. It is a matter of deep regret that I must advise my readers of photographs that were shown to the Frank Reportof a woman who was branded. Roberts said she sold her Westbury, NY, home to make ends meet in February 2019. It is not known whether if she is offered a plea deal, she will fulfill her lifetime vow of obedience to Mr. Raniere even if some of her life has to be spent in prison sacrificing for her master. The people of Waukee Iowa deserve to know the ghoul who haunts their community. And sift the flaccid asshole. Here is what Neil Glazer said in his lawsuit: At least forty members of the NXIVM community, trusting in Raniere, Nancy Salzman and Defendant Dr. Brandon Porter, M.D. There would be people stabilizing the person. By submitting your email, you agree to our Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive email correspondence from us. Thats all they need to hear and they should shut the fuck up and let the court system work. The group of five ex-DOS adherents challenged Judge Nicholas Garaufis's assessment that the secret society within Nxivm was founded for the 60-year-old self-help sicko to extract sex and money. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. You mock, but Keith Raniere's bio says he has patents pending in human potential, ethics, and . Couldnt blame you if so. The unrepentant former leader of the NXIVM cult was ordered on Tuesday to pay $3.5 million to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, including costs to surgically remove scars from branding . According to Edmondson, each branding would go on for more than 20 excruciating minutes, while the smell of burning flesh filled the room. Will the same commenters who are for showing this murder video on the Frank Report also be for showing Sarah Edmonsons branding video on the Frank Report? If it was to see which women would be open to sexual servitude, then rather than showing gang rape clips, group bj clips would have been shown. I needed to see it to understand. helped the case make headlines. I think the video should stay right where it is to remind everyone what Raniere wanted everyone to see. Sarah Edmondson, 42, spent 12 years in the cult led by the charismatic Keith Raniere. Alonzo, fair question. Frank, can you please embed the video on a separate page so that its not just sitting there going on auto play? Since Brandon Porter displayed these films to unaware, unsuspecting and nonconsenting women I feel it incumbent upon myself to report former Doctor Porter to the Waukee, Iowa police. Ms. Bronfman pleaded guilty to two charges related to identity theft and immigration fraud. Here is the action taken by the Office of Professional Medical Conduct (OPMC) against Porter, which describes the Human Fright Experiment as follows: From on or about 2012 through 2017 the Respondent [Porter], either individually or in association with a public or private institution or agency, conducted a human subject research study (hereinafter Fright Study). Considering keiths proximity to Harvard, his interest in math and science, and the fact keith is a dangerous sociopath like Kaczynski, Ive always speculated the Human Fright Experiments were a derivation of that. That was the point., Besides, Roberts added: With the 18 I did, none backed out.. I respected him. La Secta Que Sedujo al Poder en Mxico by Juan Alberto Vasquez. Phone:(515) 222-3321 Reddit, Inc. 2023. Shouldnt all people be able to freely and fluidly adapt their opinions of a situation as they come to know more of the truth about it or is that privilege reserved only for you? Nicole Hong, Barry Meier and Colin Moynihan contributed reporting. Maybe someday, things will get better. Roberts has no regrets about the branding or her own involvement in the cult. Frank, why would you use that photo as a thumbnail on your website? Or blurring? Taylor Swift Begins Her International Era(s Tour). Folks who wish to see that, can seek it out. Here is video evidence of a branding session. The doctor who branded women with Nxivm sex cult leader Keith Raniere's initial defended the practice in a new television interview claiming the women "wanted" the marks and were not "harmed." Although Mack didnt take the stand against him, she met with prosecutors numerous times and was available to testify at Ranieres trial if requested to do so, they said. hopefully you never have to know how awful this must feel for their family. (DOS), an group within NXIVM conceived by Raniere. They appear to have been made by burning flesh and rather crudely forming the initials of Keith Raniere and other letters in juxtaposition. The only commonalities are the brutality of the machete vs. branding/scarification pen, being human life pawns in an organizational game, and slaves to a master. Mr. Ranieres sentencing was the culmination of his fall from grace and included hours of statements from more than a dozen victims. Besides? I was working my butt off on things that were meaningful. This email will be used to sign into all New York sites. ****. That August, she lost her job as an aerobics instructor after a client I tried to help with a shoulder injury said that I tried recruiting her daughter into an organization; this is untrue. Roberts turned to selling life insurance in October 2019. I wore a blouse and a nice pair of slacks, Roberts told The Post. This was not a tattoo. Do something about it. He thinks the Glazer civil lawsuit is full of shit and I disagree. Dr. Kaczynski would later describe this as the worst experience of his life. ). Karmas a bitch that way, isnt it, Doc? They revealed they had been forced to hand over explicit naked pictures or false accounts of abuse, had been beaten with paddles, made to starve . Was this video used as a show of power to illustrate what keith could make happen? I so agree and I am disgusted enough by Mr. Parlato to not come back. that commenced this month. , Brinks is clearly biased. Nobody should watch it out of respect for these poor women and to be able to sleep at night. Buy them online. It was about trust. (3) Keep your mouth shut because anything can be used against you even if you cant think of how. The face of the woman was not in the photo. But as a persuasive and charismatic cult leader, Raniere wasn't acting alone. Glazer Seeks Emergency Hearing: Clyne, Roberts, Porter, Hatchette Are Terrorizing Clients. Thanks, I really appreciate it. IMO Your life would start improving if you understood that Keith is a compulsively lying psychopath. There was ambient light. NXIVM Dos branding video (leaked cult video Mexican news)? While my role is reporting, and the court is the venue for settling matters of controversy, I will defend the rights of plaintiffs to file a civil lawsuit without being harassed. Unfortunately the experiment details and video from this Narco Blog will likely NOT affect or change Suneels mind. A self-described self-help group, NXIVM was placed under the spotlight in 2018 when former members made a series of shocking revelations about the group. - Frank Report, https://www.history.com/news/what-happened-to-the-unabomber-at-harvard, https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2000/jun/22/features11.g2, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment, Suneel Reacts to Viewing the Snuff Film Used in Human Fright Experiment. Mack's evidence included an audio recording of Raniere planning a disturbing initiation ritual: the branding of women's bodies. They would come in and give me a hug. Previously, she worked at ESPN, The Washington Post and The Baltimore Sun. The women being initiated did not know until they entered the room that Roberts would be the one to brand them. The third (and presumably last) season of, The 8 Best Movies and TV Shows to Watch This Weekend, Cardi B Invokes Britney Spearss Instagram Dance Videos. Privacy Policy and We took the furniture and pictures out. Many excellent actors have tangled with Spidey, but which of these foes had you (almost) rooting for them? I can see maybe you are trying to prove a point to Suneel, but it comes with a lot of collateral damage to your readers. I hope they all get huge pay-outs from Bronfman fortunes; do something beneficial for John Tighe and his wife; take Frank on a vacation or out to a very expensive dinner; do something with their money and time to help victimized women that dont have any where to go with minimal choices; and go onward discovering more using their hard found wisdom. I think it is a good thing for the safety of the public that she has her license revoked. Can you imagine how people would react if ranchers spent 20 to 40 minutes branding one animal? In fact, shejokingly stated shes slightly offended that she escaped prosecution during the cults federal criminal trial. After all? Do not lie to investigators. I chose not to watch that type of movie and if forced to, not only would I sue I would make one of them come and watch what happens when trauma is triggered. The mere fact that you report about this video, and its use by dD. (Of course maybe, maybe you just wanna see Sarah naked, lol! No other reason. First of all, some of this is overblown on the part of the OPMC. Dua Lipa Is a Disco Queen in the New Music Video For Her "Barbie" Single Maybe V and P will write some special modules about how to non-disclose the truth (I.e., lie) to uphold ethics over mere rules like criminal law. Those Mexican women were likely living in poverty and had no where else to go but survive another day in cartel country. Too bad they had to ruin the nice tittie video by killing them. . Raniere and Nxivm Make Grandiose Claims About Themselves. Didnt the 40 people who were watching this have the realization that they could just close their eyes? There were [readings] about [the womens] commitments to their masters and to their selves. Critics faced retaliation and lawsuits, creating an internal culture with no tolerance for dissent. I know. He just likes to torment, humiliate, and destroy. Nxivm trial testimony ends with video of founder discussing child sex abuse. https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2000/jun/22/features11.g2. Among other things, the Fright Study involved showing human subjects an actual video of the horrific and brutal murders and dismemberment of four women by machetes; and violent film clips, including a male African American being viciously stamped by a Nazi; a conscious male being forced to eat a portion of his own brain matter; and a graphic gang rape. She did not consider the third possibility: that nothing wrong was done and that we were consenting adults participating with full agency. Our knowledge of the group suggests that several higher-up women in the circle of Mr. Raniere including Nancy Salzman and Lauren Salzman and Miss Unterreiner have been kind enough to offer Dr. Roberts the support she needs including expanded sessions of Exploration of Meaning or EM sessions. Mack provided significant, detailed, and highly corroborated information which assisted the government in its prosecution, federal prosecutors said in court papers filed on Monday. In an affidavit filed as part of the criminal complaint, an F.B.I. After all this time, supposedly reading up on NXIVM, you still have no idea what youre talking about. They measured the willingness of study participants, men in the age range of 20 to 50 from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Hahahahaha. Sad. No. Frank Parlato is an investigative journalist. Do they not realize that everyones lawsuits are better off not having their legally uneducated asses insert themselves into it. But much of the trial focused on D.O.S., which prosecutors said Mr. Raniere created in 2015 as part of a scheme to provide him with a flow of submissive women. In a letter to the court, Ms. Mack apologized to the people she had brought into D.O.S. There was no ink used. Mengele Brandon will get the message across. Im especially shocked after you went after Cami and used one Ranieres pet names It might be five seconds per line. It just caused me to pause. 11:23 am 40 Comments This video hardly needs much explanation. No doubt those subjected to acts of sadists were manipulated to believe it was a BS highly evolved experiential opportunity. I will begin with the wholly unnecessary and very suspect Human Fright Experiment conducted on behalf of NXIVM for reasons that remain unclear. In the beginning, it was billed as a self-help program for "dreamers with deep pockets," writes Berman. I understand there is a pending investigation into Dr. Danielle Roberts. Good. Evangelicals Are Trumps Firewall Against Primary Losses. The Sarah Edmondson branding video was edited and released by NXIVM as a propaganda tool to discount Sarah Edmondsons testimony at Ranieres trial. These had no more value than ESP programs. Porter had moved from Iowa to Albany so he could work on measuring the emotional and physical effects of Mr. Ranieres programs., Introduced to the group by her co-worker, Roberts joined up with NXIVM, moving to Albany in late 2014 and taking classes. I dont know the answer and unlike some, I wont pretend I do. Sarah makes it sound horrible, worse than childbirth, with burning flesh. Waukee Police and Fire Department You are a sniveling weasel who attacks a woman who was molested by Kieth when she was child. She only made a victim impact statement which is not under oath. Please consider blurring their breasts. All the women of DOS now have choices. It was filmed during Vanguard Week, 2016, the last fulsome Vanguard Week before the party was busted by Frank Report, with the help of others such as Catherine Oxenberg , Mark Vicente and Sarah Edmondson. Keith Raniere started Nxivm outside Albany, N.Y., in the 1990s. Category:Law Enforcement-Legal/Aplicacion de la Ley-Leyes Legales Contact Frank with tips or for help. My suspicion is that the experiment was an exercise in mind control intended to scare the subjects into blind obedience. Smallville actress Allison Mack gave the Brooklyn U.S. attorneys office substantial assistance in its case against NXIVM sex-cult leader Keith Raniere, including an incriminating recording, federal prosecutors said, in arguing that she should receive a lesser sentence. Taylor Swift Criticizes Harmful Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation, Its painful for everyone. If you or someone you know is dealing with spiritual abuse, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 18007997233. Sad. Address:1300 L.A Grant Parkway P.O. They werent looking at our physical reactions or taping us. Ms. Salzman, who was known to the groups followers as Prefect, was charged with identity theft and altering records to influence the outcome of a lawsuit against Nxivm. Mr. Raniere has accused Judge Garaufis of corruption and has demanded a new trial, which the judge has denied twice. right.. its so sick and awful they have the audacity to show such footage/photos.. these women did not deserve this & for them to keep this photo of their breasts up is disgusting.. they are literally using crime photos of nude women and their death for clout this is wrong they should not link the video either just sick they posted this .. imagine if one of these women where someone they loved and cared for i wonder if they would still be posting/sharing the footage? The Vow: The Meaning Behind the NXIVM Brand Given to Members Will Send Chills Down Your Spine. Plus, he was willing to let his wife die of cancer because of Vanguards ethics. Of course, it is nonsense to declaim these scenes as too graphic films when millions of Americans enjoyed and loved them. *Sorry, there was a problem signing you up. It is my understanding that Sarah Edmonson did not testify at Ranieres trial. the fact you hve this content up and posted is sick.. u ppl are so wrong .. showing the full photo with their breasts out .. imagine if this was your daughter or mother or sister or wife? The Department of Health would not comment for this story. Is a written description not enough? Id agree with you Shadow, but whacky Porter has kids. You can also find more information, resources, and support at their website. If you dont believe me, ask a Salzman. The fact that Moira Penza [the lead government attorney in the Raniere trial] did not consider me as a subject of the investigation is somewhat of an insult to me, said Roberts. Judge for yourself what need there was to show them to these people with an EEG to record the subjects brain activity, galvanic skin resistance (GSR) to measure their physiological response, and a video camcorder or audiotape to record their facial or auditory reactions. NXIVM Branding NXIVM cult-leader Keith Raniere ordered to pay $3.1M to 21 victims Raniere was sentenced last year to 120 years in prison for his conviction on racketeering conspiracy and other . Its starting to feel like were in a loop. Waukee, IA 50276 It was maybe two minutes of pain all told., She admitted that some of the women needed breathers mid-branding, but said this wasnt necessarily a bad thing. 1.2K 97K views 3 years ago #InsideEdition A former NXIVM cult member is speaking candidly about her ordeal. He was part of a study group of 22 students and endured torturous human experimentation for three years. For instance, one of Mr. Ranieres supporters argues, If Keith were to advise Dr. Roberts to swap brains between two people and she did it when he was not there, she is to blame for not knowing this is illegal. Its not a theatrical film but the film of an actual execution and beheading of four women by men. Better yet, shut down your social media until the proceedings are over. I dont know, Frank. And people can choose to click on post and see more? Because of the controversy of Yales Milgram experiment the participants had to receive an explanation of the experimental process. a blog that attempts to document violent incidents and people involved in the Mexican Drug War that never made it to government reports or the mainstream media. The complaints focused on a secretive subgroup within the organization called The Vow or D.O.S. But, as US Attorney Richard Donoghue said in a 2018 statement, Raniere created a secret society of women whom he had sex with and branded with his initials, coercing them with the threat of releasing their highly personal information and taking their assets.. Nothing. You wouldnt want to be kicking or jumping, so as not to mess up the brand., She added: The women getting the brand wanted to be secured., In her book, Edmondson describes the branding as permanent trauma to my consciousness. But Roberts claims that Edmondson has run a fear campaign and convinced [former members] that they were abused., The ceremonies took place in the Clifton Park, NY, townhouse of Mack, in a room that was [formerly] an office or bedroom, Roberts said. Sarah is perfectly entitled to change her mind after learning the full truth of what was really happening. Prosecutors said that NXIVM, an Albany-area group that offered expensive self-help classes, had a secretive inner circle called DOS that operated with levels of women slaves headed by masters. Mack was arrested on April 20, 2018, for her role in NXIVM. Since Dr. Roberts is a professional, she will likely be held most culpable.. We had a massage table in there with sterile coverings, the cauterizing machine and other materials for branding.. Between January and May 2017, Roberts used a cauterizing tool to brand 18 of her fellow female followers as part of an initiation ritual. Thats not what he told you these fright experiments were for. Maybe some bars? If you didnt know, you can find copies of ranieres methods described in the patent application titled: DETERMINATION OF WHETHER A LUCIFERIAN CAN BE REHABILITATED. While Glazer got the number of women wrong he says five women, it is actually four the worst one, the snuff film clip, after extensive research by Frank Report has been identified and Glazer is right: the women endure brutal beheading and dismemberment. The clip shows four women on their knees in a field with their hands tied behind their backs. Thats why theyre running scared. Ms. Mack, whose involvement in Nxivm boosted the cases profile, pleaded guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy charges related to her role in the organization. Im very disappointed that you would do this. Brinks- Imo. This password will be used to sign into all, Allison Mack Reportedly Told Sex-Cult Victim to Be a Good Slave, The Art of the Scam: A Streaming and Reading Guide to Cults, Allison Mack Provided Tape of Keith Raniere NXIVM Brand Plan. Thanks for letting me express myself whatever you choose! Anyone have any ideas? eat shit. I thought it was beautiful., So much so that when Roberts got tapped by Mack to be the groups brander in 2017, she accepted. Sarah Edmondson, 42, spent 12 years in the cult led by the charismatic Keith Raniere.. (2) if you are in any legal proceedings, stay off the internet. https://www.history.com/news/what-happened-to-the-unabomber-at-harvard Website:http://www.waukee.org. BEGAN!! You and I hardly ever agree, so we must be right. Tolerance for pain impacted the time I would spend [with the cauterizing stylus on her skin], Roberts explained. It serves no purpose. India shares she later learned she was branded with the initials of the leader, but at the time they were told it was a symbol of the elements. No consent without the luxury of changing their minds and becoming plaintiffs in a civil suit. Phone:(515) 222-3321 These are the hardest years of my life, Roberts said. Report former Dr. Porter to the Waukee Iowa police. Danielle Roberts branded the women of NXIVMs elite society known as Dominus Obsequious Sororium (DOS) and says she has no regrets. I think Keith is a brilliant man and that DOS is a tremendous organization, she told The Post during an exclusive interview. (Roberts said that branding was not associated with her medical work and Edmondson was not a patient.). The male eating his own brain is from the best-selling box office hit, Hannibal [box office gross $351.6 million]. She overcame her challenges and worked her way through New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, finishing her residency in 2011 and partnering in an alternative-medical practice in Long Island. Then a patient [at the hospital where Roberts worked] saw what Frank [Report] had posted and sent it to a supervisor. If I were her and had discovered that my so-called friends had tricked me into being branded with the initials of their polyamorous child raping boyfriend there might have been more than just a legal battle about that. A branding artist in Brooklyn provided tutelage. Mack was one of several specially selected NXIVM members chosen to become "masters," who would recruit additional women into the group as "slaves.". They destroyed my career and my reputation. Its really a pretty awful image and is disrespectful for the victims. On occasion, you can get a small electric shock from cauterizing. You could describe the situation without showing the image. If he called, during the time or texted understand that was Karen Unterreiners phone. WHY was this shown ? Robert later went on to work at various hospitals as an osteopath, including St. Peters Hospital in Albany, where she met Dr. Brandon Porter in 2013. India also shares that she was sleeping with Keith Raniere, and she had no idea other girls in her DOS group were also sleeping with him.Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDoctorsFollow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedoctorsFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedoctorstvAbout The Doctors:The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by Dr. Ian Smith. Roberts lost her license earlier this year; she is appealing the decision. All of the DOS women who havent left the Raniere-verse will be there. One former member, identified only as Nicole, described how on one day Mr. Raniere took her to a house, told her to disrobe, blindfolded her and tied her down to a table. Humiliate, and the National Domestic violence Hotline at 18007997233 Raniere has stood in... A sniveling weasel who attacks a woman who was molested by Kieth when she was.. 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