loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory

- Lincoln accepted, (Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, and Lisa hugged Lincoln). She smiled on sight of her younger siblings hugging each other during their sleep. He is bullied at school because of them, neglected at Brought on by The Fairly Oddparents being put on Netflix. Later in sandbox she thought him how to build sand castles. They turn around and walk away. Lincoln comes from behinds the tree and goes up to Pop Pop. The Joker knew these words well but what happens when Joker sees' an old face? Once Lincoln started to watch his show, Lynn came out of nowhere and decided to take the TV for herself. His sisters burst into tears when the final verdict was delivered. Lisa: It's the least I can do. "I know that we hardly ever saw eye to eye, but you were there for me when I needed you, you were there to comfort me. After bath Lincoln and Lynn put their pjs. Lincoln: Pop Pop, it's terrible! Luan: Right. I had a beautiful dream! Lily didn't know how to meditate on her sister's assuring words. Anything for my favorite grandson. Lincoln ended up dying a week shy of the doctor's proposed two weeks. We then thought we saw a ghost and started freaking out, but it turned out to be my walkie - talkie I use with Clyde. Lincoln: It alright girls, no need to worry about that anymore. [he heard another thunder] Aaah! (Lincoln prepare to eat it, Leni see's this and slap the mud from his hands), LANA: (enraged) What are you doing, Leni?! Besides that was a chance to make you closer to him. While Lincoln was feeling rather weak, he mustered up enough strength to tenderly pet his younger sisters' heads. Luan: No, she still loves you like I love you. As soon as Lincoln tries to get his comics back, the twins attack him. Lola and Lana: We feel bad for using his comics as swords without his permission. Pop Pop: Hey, it's ok Lincoln. Lynn Sr.: Please sonny, Don't cry! The ball then bounced off of a door that slowly creaked open. 2007 Lincoln and Lynn moved to another room live together, leaving Luna and Luan to stay in their room. - Leni said - I'm shocked at this. The story is a retelling of the 2020 Sonic the Hedgehog film, - Lincoln ask. Lori: We didn't mean to say any of those mean words to you. - Leni scolded. By the time that they were made aware of the young boy's condition, Lincoln slowly drifted into the final stages of the malady. Rita grabbed her two youngest children, removed her clothes and put them to bathtub. And plus, I hate seeing my sisters so devastated. Lori: Why did I have to do all except for the worst? Pop Pop: Of course! I know it'll take some time to get over it, but we'll fine a way. Keep your distance. That was one funny night. She was about to head back downstairs, but seeing the empty room open sparked her curiosity. Lucy, Lola, Lana, and Lisa were sitting on the couch watching a show at that time, when Lily scampered into the room. LINCOLN: Thanks. Lincoln enters his room once again and as he expected, it's gone. "Don't worry son. You can see some elements that are Inspired from it. - the others said cutely, (Lori and the others leave Leni and Lincoln alone, she pulled up the scrapbook), LENI: You wanna look through our childhood memories together? Pop Pop: Just come to my house and i'll give you the details. Loud," he says drearily, "I'm afraid that the major heart attack that your son suffered from greatly weakened him." Webhow to remove barnacles from aluminum ladder. LENI: This is your home you live in, Linky. She latches onto Lincoln for comfort of which he responds by weakly wrapping his arms around her for an embrace. But I love you. - Lincoln ask. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. "No, idiot, don't you remember what the doctor said? - Luan says. Lincoln: Don't worry Lily. But when she was told the news of Lincoln waking up " - Leni said. I'm surprised he remembers already all your names. While infuriated, the sisters understood her plight, and they skip over her. He can't find it and is now starting to get irritated. shera and the three treasures wiki; cillian murphy peter greene; doge miner 2 hacked unlimited money Once Lincoln said this, he burst into tears and ran into Pop Pop's arms. Lincoln For playing with me, for showing me how to play, for comforting me. Taken aback by her words, Lori gently rubs Lynn's back. First memory scene is mentioned in my older fanfic "Sister Carol". I wanna see if they'll actually come back to me. Lincoln was playing with Bun-Bun on backyard under care of Luan. I punished the mean sister. Rita: Don't worry. Lynn refused to budge. "Lola, promise me that you'll win all of the pageants," demands Lincoln. linka leddy amable You're wounded now. Lynn: [heartbroken] What? Lincoln marches out of his room to hear Lisa with one of her inventions. Lincoln: Guess I can't read my comics. - Lori said, (Luna feels sad at this situation, as Lori notices her). Pop Pop: Wake up sleepyhead, time to eat breakfast! - the nicer sisters in agreement. Lori picks up Lincoln and throws him out, slamming the door. WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?! I'll see you guys next time. luck If I did this I would have never married your dad and you with your siblings would have been never born. Rita: He simply loves you just like all of us. Lynn: Leave this bunny and come with me. Lincoln: Ok, lesson learn: Don't jinx anything in this house. Even though it pained them to do so, they obliged. LENI: Allow me to explain, little bro. WebBack at the Loud House, with everyone asleep, the phone rang, and Rita went go answer" Hello " she said in a tired voice. - Leni said - You stayed with me, until Lucy was born. - Lincoln said, LENI: This is harder then we thought. That will be your legacy to her." - Lincoln scolded - Changing me into something else means you don't love me for who I am whatsoever. Rita lead them to their room, they came into their beds and went sleep. shouts Rita "I know that you love your brother, we all do. - Leni protested - Right, Lynn? Lincoln: Us. LENI: ENOUGH! - Lori disagreed, (At a hospital, it shows a hospital room where Lincoln, in a hospital bed, with bandages on his head, while the others are standing nearby, Dr. Marshall comes in). Eventually, the Loud family went to the hospital to request that Lincoln be removed so that he could attend his sister, Lynn's, game. I wanna play with Lincoln. LUAN, LYNN, LOLA, AND LISA: Sorry, bro! Carol: Trust me, be happy you have such big lovable family. He storms into Lisa's room. Noooo! - Leni scolded, LYNN: But I always wanted a brother to play with me. She pulls her hair away from her eyes to look at her brother. Lola consoled her, and she took over. - Leni ask worried. Lincoln: Lisa woke you up by rubbing chalk on her board, right? The inspiration for this fanfic is how I wondered how an amnesia story works in a TV show like this and I watched Changing the Baby. Giggling, Lily scampered to retrieve her ball. Leni played with Lincoln by her makeover stuff. Lynn: You woke me up! Lola: Everyone would be better off if you never bothered anyone again! Lily had become quite the adorable young girl as one could imagine. Soon, all of the sisters were crying, but they were tears of joy as memories of Lincoln poured out from them. Rita: Take this bottle and feed him. - Leni said - How are you gonna mold Lincoln? Lynn caressed her face to ease the stinging sensation of Lori's slap, and they began to savagely fight each other. Lucy hardly ever revealed her eyes to anyone. When she was crying she wasn't so creepy as before. Irritated, he goes into Lori's room. Lynn; Here, little bro. Now I know what you meant. WE'RE GONNA FIND LINCOLN! Lincoln was having a great time with Pop Pop. Lynn: You're always trying to help out people when you're actually making it worse! Lincoln, say thank you to Leni. - Lana revealed, LORI: Lincoln, I'm so sorry. - Lola berated - We're changing him and that's that! LISA: Amnesia is a partial or total loss of memory. Those things have always made me mistrust grownups. - Lynn said shocked - We can change him into something better, Luna! LUCY: You guys are real jerks. "The best memory that I've had with you is how you would often model in my dresses. Even though the sisters were greatly saddened by having to come to terms that their only brother wasn't coming back, they decided to take this as an opportunity to show Lily glimpses of what her brother was like. Unfortunately, their fighting causes Lincoln to trip and falling down the stairs, knocking him out again, much to everyone's horror and stop Lola and Leni from fighting), SISTERS: LINCOLN! Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this story. The Loud House gets louder. But you shouldn't badger the doctor for answers." Lynn: After I return we can play Bun-Bun, ok? LORI: No, we're taking him to a hospital. "Mr. and Mrs. The phone then rings and Lori answers. Lily shakes her head excitedly. There have been others before them. Lincoln came into Lynn's bed and covered himself with blanket. LENI: You knocked him down the stairs, Lola! WebLincoln's Amnesia By: Yugo Akiba Tokusatsu. Leni: We have a small chance of him forgiving us. OK, so this fanfic was actually written in response to Requiem for a Loud by UnderattedHero (https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4192724/UnderratedHero). Be glad you aren't me. 63.6K 672 13. Please be careful. 2005 Rita came to park with Lori who was holding Lincoln in the orange blanket. It would seem that his gratefulness to Lincoln for giving him a one-way ticket for Christmas really rubbed off on him. My twenty-first fanfic. DR. MARSHALL: I dunno, maybe a week or so. On the backyard Luna began teaching Lincoln how to fly kite. They all gathered up in a group hug tighter than any other one. I was planning on giving Lincoln some final words to share with his sisters, and they would try to plead Lincoln to not leave them. He was the one who wanted to come back after hearing your guy's devastation. Not even one had my back. They all ran up and the whole siblings were bonding like no other. Lynn: I didn't mean to ruin your bunny. Luna: I'm not surprised. Lincoln then sees bun-bun in her room, being experimented on. - Lori said sadly, LINCOLN: (confused) Thanks, but who are all you guys, and who is Lincoln? First the TV, then my comics and now my phone! Now if any of the authors don't like how I based some parts of the story to their's, Just message me and I'll change it. loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory I was originally going to include that into "Remembering Lincoln," but I had no idea on how to expand on that. Luckily, They didn't see Lincoln, So that gave him a chance to hide behind a big tree to listen in. 13,783. His older sisters take the news hard, his younger siblings (except Lisa) are oblivious to this life-altering tragedy, and Lincoln's attempting to make good impressions with his family and friends before his time runs out. LINCOLN: Yeah, I'm fine. and was getting memories of when he missed his show one time. Lynn hugged Lincoln like a plushy before she closed her eyes. (Thrilled, Leni tackles Lincoln in a tight hug, she then kissed his forehead a couple of times, as he laughs), LENI: (teary-eyed) Linky, your back! Lori: When will you learn to mind your own business?! - Lisa yelled - I won't have a better opportunity for my willing test subject, ee, I mean assistant. As the game was nearing its climax, Lincoln leans over in agony, grabbing onto his chest. LORI: Can you both literally stop yelling?! LORI: How many times I had to tell you not to go into my bedroom! Lynn: Sorry not sorry, my football game is on and I can't miss it! I was stupid to just take your phone, Lynn; (comes up behind) And I was harsh to throw you off the TV. Lincoln: Wuan, I wove you. Lynn was observing and getting annoyed by Lincoln's love to his favorite plushy. Lynn Sr.: That's no excuse to destroy his toys! Lincoln: [histerically crying] Waah! I'll change his diaper. Luna: Don't worry. "Rroom?" Let's make a race. Oh, I forgot you can't read yet. Lori: And I feel more fond to him now after all those things. - Lori said. Before he passed off to eternal slumber, he swore that he could see his friend, Adrien, standing beside him with a warm smile on his face. Suddenly a big rat approached the siblings. - (It then shows Lincoln waking up on the couch, as the others look on relieved), LINCOLN: (moans) Uhh. Lisa looks up at him in astonishment "But, you're" Lincoln shushes her. Webhow did early photographers cut costs when producing daguerreotypes? The screen showed three young girls Luna (age 8), Luan (age 7), and Lynn Jr. (age 6) all huddled together watching television. LINCOLN: Good, I'm fine. [she rubbed Lincoln's back and gave him pat]. Lisa: I feel bad for using his stuff bunny as a test dummy. - Lincoln yells, (Lisa about to pull the switch, but Leni stopped her), LENI: STOP! - Lincoln said, confused - What you mean my memories has returned? Lori: Alright! WebMy twenty-first fanfic. WebLincoln: [in his head] Mom said Lucy is afraid of me more than I of her. - Leni said - You just wanna change him because you hated him. And what if he has met his great love before but forgot it? (Lincoln walk out of his hospital bed and crash into a wall, Leni grab his hand and he follow her), LENI: I hope his memories come back. The sister all head up to Lincoln's room and knocks on his door. Lynn Sr.: What happens? The rat quickly attacked Lynn and began bitting and scratching her. Luan: Do you guys think we were a little too rough on Lincoln? "It's not fair, all of you got to know and love him! Lincoln: I though every time I tried to help them, It would actually make them feel better, but I guess I was making things worst.. I thought all boys are stupid because of those in school. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He takes one last glance at the house, then turns around and starts to walk with tears in his eyes. - Luna ask kindly. Lily walks over to the bed, and she sees a cute stuffed rabbit sitting on the bed sheets. "I have a brother? Lily in particular was starting to learn more words. [he grabbed Lincoln and hugged him] Come here sonny. Perhaps they thought that the medication was getting to him as normally a boy wouldn't dare to model their sister's dresses. "Hehe," Lana began before warm tears overtook her. [he pulled Bun-Bun]. Lincoln: Never bother you again huh? Lincoln asks despairingly. This is my 35th fanfiction. Taking a lock, the room remained unopened for quite sometime. Leni: You heard him, He wants to play with me. LISA: Oh, come on, Leni! "Well, it wasn't as troublesome like you'd think." - Lincoln said. Lincoln: Why can't we be with Luna and Luan anymore? - Luan said - I prefer the new Lincoln, he like my jokes! She lightly taps Lincoln on the arm in a playful fashion. you're not getting your phone back! Lynn: Here also we can have fun. Almost instantaneously, Lincoln's sisters broke down as well. "What the heck is wrong with you?" Right before he closed his eyes for the final time, he saw some familiar boy looking at him with an expression of happiness. Sorry! LENI: Wait! How do you call your bunny friend? Lisa was the last sister to come before the bedridden young boy. Lincoln: Mowe impowtant than me? LYNN TOOK THE TV FROM ME, LOLA AND LANA TOOK MY COMICS, LORI TOOK MY PHONE AND LISA JUST DESTROYED BUN-BUN! Lynn sniffles. It had gotten to the point it was recommended that Lincoln spend a few nights in the hospital. asks Lincoln. The funeral service was dreary at first. - Leni says worried, LORI AND LENI: What, are you kidding me?! Lincoln began winning. Commentary is acceptable, (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories) LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. His clothing, his toys, his posters, everything. Lily's jaw drops in surprise. LINCOLN: Whoa, I never thought of that. Toy destroyer! After they had finished on what they had wanted to say about their brother, others took part in the discussion. The hospital respected their wishes and provided a wheelchair for Lincoln. LUNA: Lola, that's selfish and wrong, we have to give him his memories back! # 1. Lily, seemingly unfazed by this, continued to speak. - Luna ask. [she gave Lincoln Bun-Bun] Your bunny. - Leni said - How's the head? - Lola said. YOU JUST DESTROYED ONE OF MY PRIZED ITEMS! This is my second fanfic where Carol appears. [she looks at sleeping Lincoln] He's so adorable, especially when he sleeps. Don't see this as a mistake, see this as an opportunity." Rita: Because you as elder sister shall know how to take care of your baby brother. What are you doing? Pop Pop: No need to say that about me. Leni: Don't you see? We're searching for him right now. Leni was next. LUNA: No, he's gonna be my roadie! - Lana said - Now you eat them. shouted the twins in unison. Web1.1K Stories. Lana pat Lily's head tenderly. It is your natrual duty. - Lincoln said gratefully, (The two hugged each other, then Leni kissed him on the cheek), LORI, LUNA, LUAN, LYNN, LUCY, LANA, LOLA, LISA, LILY: Awwwwww! He loved you so much and would've loved to spend time with you.". [he hugged it]. The doctor began to administer medicine to Lincoln to ease his heart, all while his sisters watched in abject horror. 111K 1.7K 20. It's a good thing you came here because when you're with me. Lynn Sr: You're so kind, Leni. *Lincoln kisses his baby sister on the forehead, making her giggle even more.*. LENI: Lisa, he's your brother! Untilthey Lincoln was almost killed by his sisters but someone rescued him and made him the leader of the phantoms. [she grabbed Bun-Bun and tried to take it from Lincoln], Lincoln: Hey! Lynn threw a tennis ball at Lori only for it to ricochet off the window. Luna: Alright Pop Pop, where could Lincoln possibly be? Web2009 Loud House. The remote drops on the floor with a thud. After the siblings assembled the puzzles they began drawing. He steps aside to reveal Lincoln behind him, waving at them. - Lincoln said - I remembered. Lincoln sighs in relief. Lincoln: What I know about it, they do not. "Diddid Lynn's team win?" - Leni angrily said - He can stay if he wants to! What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? They were the ones who had held out the most hope that their brother would recover only to have their hopes dashed by the harshness of reality. Lincoln was hardly mentioned in any discussions by his sisters, as they feared that this would trigger traumatizing memories of watching their only brother die slowly from the brain tumors. LENI: Thanks, Dr. Marshall. I hope this actually makes you guys happy for once, now knowing that your "problem" is now gone. What caught Lily's interest, was when it came to her interaction with her brother. LISA: I was gonna give him a medal! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. I need silence to solve this equation. Luna goes next, followed by Luan. How could you?! "Lincoln, thank you for being willing to listen to my poetry as well as for keeping our little secret," she says in her monotonous tone. They tried everything that they could think of to possibly revive their brother, but they were forced to part with his body when the doctor covers Lincoln with his bed sheets. After hearing you guys were searching for me, I had to come back. - Lana retorts, (The twins both fight each other, making Lori break up the twins and she lifted them), LUNA: How long his amnesia will last, doctor? - Leni said - You're our only brother. Lincoln: *smiles* Oh, Lily. Suddenly to Lori approached her schoolmate and friend then Carol. "Girls" Lincoln cries "girls, please, it's not worth" Lincoln grabs onto his breast and whimpers. With mascara running from her face, Lori walked over to her brother, and bent down to reach his eye level. Lincoln lightly chuckles at this, his chest heaving sluggishly. And I know all these stories have been rather sad, but I promise the next one will be more lighthearted. Ok before I end this, I got something to say. I'll let you stay with me as long as you want! Lily says without a hard of hostility in her voice "mommy always makes me feel better whenever I feel sick, so why couldn't Lincoln get better?" Lincoln: Bun-bun, I wove you. - Lana said furiously, LOLA: No, he was the one who messed up and receives that many bonks to the head and gotten amnesia, I wanna mold him to become my new butler. LENI: Alright, Linc. All of his clothes are gone, his posters are missing and his toy are nowhere to be seen. This was exciting. After Lincoln said that, they all started attacking him. He leaves his room and makes it down the hall and hears Lori talking to Bobby. Lincoln: Thanks Pop Pop. - Lincoln said, (They look at a photo of him and Leni bathing in the bathtub). - Lucy finished, LUCY: C'mon, let us restore our brother's memories. - Lynn says - He's my sports partner! LENI: Yeah, you do. Lincoln: [to the audience] Now it's my turn to give my younger sibilings happy memories to remember. "You see Lily, your brother was sick for an awful long time, and he didn't get better." [she grabbed Lincoln and hugged him]. - Leni said worried, (At home, the siblings guide Lincoln to the door, he tries using the knob. Does Woli no wove me? However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. His family invited all who would attend. To draw like this you need to practice. Back to the present Lincoln found a small car model. They all feel depressed by what they did to Lincoln last night. LOLA: But, I want a butler! He doesn't answer and after a few knocks, they decide to go in to only find nothing. Look at mine. Luan: Cute and sweet but I must take care of your wounds. Luan: [she grabbed his arm] No, don't touch it! - Leni said happily, LUNA: Your memories has returned! The game was called off." Lincoln rolls to his side in disappointment. I always wanted Lincoln to be my enthusiastic sports partner and now I have the perfect chance! Carol: I'd like to have at least such adorable brother like him but my parents said they won't have more children. (puts phone down) No! Back to present Lincoln found old plate with sign "Lynn and Lincoln". What happened? He kneels down and hug Lisa and they shared a long hug. LORI: We love you for just the way you are. Luna helped Lincoln in assembling a plane model. They regret every word they said to Lincoln last night, and they regret beating him up. We had a fight today and they said that they would be better off if I never bothered them again! Lincoln's sisters reacted in horror upon discovering that they had even less time to spend with their brother, and they nearly dog piled on the doctor to make him reconsider his judgment. "Lynn, please Lincoln needs this as much as we do," begs Luna. LUAN: But, not Lincoln. I swear my bun-bun better be on my bed or else! The family immediately rushes to the hospital, where they are informed that the tumor was spreading to his heart. Leni: A kind boy like you shall not play alone. (Leni and Lola then notice Lincoln is missing, in the front yard, Lana is making mudpies while Lincoln watches), LINCOLN: How'd I suppose to do this? I know I've been writing fanfics nonstop ever since I started, But I just got a lot of ideas and I just want to show it. As Lucy backed away from the bed, Lincoln felt a tug on his bed sheets, and he looked down to see the teary-eyed twins. (Lori comes in and see's Lincoln, she's enraged). LENI: Sorry, sis! [he hugged Luan in fear] Go! Lynn: Yeah, I feel bad for shoving him out of his TV show. Commentary is acceptable, (It shows Lincoln and Leni are in the living room, looking at a scrapbook of their childhood memories), LINCOLN: There we are, Leni. - Lincoln said. Lincoln is still devastated by what his sisters said and started taking into consideration. However, I am planning on deleting this story after, I wrote this story when I was feeling really depressed. Lynn: Lincoln doesn't want to play with me after I destroyed that stupid bunny. A tube was up Lincoln's nose and he had an IV on his left arm. LUAN: No! My Account; WooCommerce Cart 0; Toggle Navigation. Lynn: What shall I do? [she sat on the penalty chair] Stupid chair! "So?" *cradles Lily with his good arm* You know, it's good that you're never rough to me, like everyone else, Lily. He started sobbing in his hands as he can only think about what his sisters said to him. They all started up in a group hug once again. He never thought his sisters can show so much gratitude to him, but after this experience, it proved him wrong. I could never get mad at you, you're always so cute and innocent. - Leni said - Are you alright? Lynn: What are you talking about? Say hello to her. It hasn't been less than four years after the Loud family was forced to part with Lincoln. Return we can change him because you as elder sister shall know how take! Hears Lori talking to Bobby need to say any of those in school bunny! Expected, it 's a good thing you came here because when you 're only... Him forgiving us must take care of your baby brother memories of when he missed show! Loves you like I love you. `` is harder then we thought: you him! Deleting this story when I was feeling rather weak, he 's my turn to give younger... Orange blanket his memories back retelling of the phantoms a retelling of the doctor for answers. week... 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    loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory