lake vostok organism 46b

In this scenario, Luthor secretly gave the mission leader a kryptonite laced specimen tank to capture the creature or some other method to temporarily render the creature docile. Measuring 250km (160mi) long by 50km (30mi) wide at its widest point,[1] it covers an area of 12,500km2 (4,830sqmi) making it the 16th largest lake by surface area. Journalists attempting to verify the story have been unable to locate Dr. Padalka. And recent claims circulating around the Internet of a Russian mission in the region revealing "alien life" does nothing to quash these conspiracies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The preliminary findings indicated the presence of microbial life, although subsequent studies have raised questions about the possibility of contamination from the drilling process. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a love for UFOs, aliens, and the Ancient Astronaut Theory, to the paranormal, general conspiracies, and unsolved mysteries. The waters of Vostok have been isolated for at least 15 million years. The deepest SCUBA diver ever was a little over 1000 feet, at which the pressure is roughly 32 bar. The fact that such powerful people on the planet were all asked to converge on this most inhospitable and off-limits terrain at the southern-most point of our world is perhaps telling of the importance and uniqueness of the situation. Our latest book, Historys Most Bizarre, Outlandish, And Controversial UFO And Alien Encounters contains over 60 encounters. However, the reasons for this, as well as the outcome of this unique meeting, were not divulged. [72] Though the Russians claim to have improved their operations, they continue to use the same borehole, which has already been contaminated with kerosene. By the time the crew member had resumed the form of the octopus (46B) that it actually was, the biologist had been ripped to pieces by this deadly creature. The shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. Water blast requires water be available for the Organisms siphon to squirt. Also, no light penetrates that deep, making the defense mechanisms described seem unnecessary in such an environment. As you might imagine, this type of lockdown creates suspicion. The stories, accounts, and discussions in this article may go against currently accepted science and common beliefs. Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter to receive the latest articles directly in your inbox. If there were somehow hidden caverns beneath the ice and something besides pressure keeping the water liquid, it might be more consistent with what is described. North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology, Cumberland Spaceman (Solway Firth Spaceman), Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls in Cryptozoology, The Buru, Giant Lizards and Giant Crocodiles, The Death Dealing Tree of the Phillippines, The Mysterious Giant Snake Of North-Africa, Titanoboa and largest snakes of the world, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Even more disturbing, and again a notion echoed by many, The history of the world is not what it is. In his book Empire Beneath The Ice he would ask the blunt question What really is going on down there? He would follow this with, I dont think the Russian Patriarch Kirill is going down there to meet penguins. Russian and British scientists delineated the lake in by integrating a variety of data, including airborne ice-penetrating radar imaging observations and space-based radar altimetry, and the discovery of the lake was published in the science journal Nature on 20 June 1996. One scientist theorized a tentacle might be able to grow a new creature using the regeneration power as well. Before we look a little further at some of the recent claims we will remind ourselves of just why, at least officially, Lake Vostok is of interest to scientists in the first place. Each of its arms is covered with equally powerful suckers. UFOs And Black Helicopters Over A Small Staffordshire Village, A Bizarre Incident At The Roadside: The Highway 38 Humanoid Encounter, Landed Crafts, Strange Beasts, And Premonitions: The Bizarre Encounter Of Stephen Pulaski, The Winchester UFO Landing Incidents The Strange Encounters Of Joyce Bowles, The Bizarre And Disturbing Goings-On At Stardust Ranch, entrance to the inner Earth at the South Pole, Russian scientists and military have encountered underwater extraterrestrial life, alien presence gives orders to the religious and political leaders of our day. Still, most biologists believe the samples to be consistent with what they would expect to find in such an extreme environment. The fish is known to produce antifreeze proteins. [48], By plan, the following summer, the team was to drill down again to take a sample of that ice and analyze it. Furthermore, given the abundance of new life forms discovered in the region (over 3,500 species according to some reports), [1] there is hope that similar life may be found on Europa or similar icy worlds throughout the solar system. This (okay, last) months one-page scenario is inspired by two of my favorite podcasts. Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. Enjoy! In this article, we delve into the science behind Lake Vostok, the legend of Organism 46b, and the implications of these discoveries for our understanding of Earths history and the potential for life beyond our planet. Furthermore, according to these rumors, there is another continent deep below the ice. This was to prevent contamination of the lake with the 60-ton column of Freon and kerosene used to prevent the borehole from collapsing and freezing over. Knowing full well that one or two scientists would most likely die before the specimen could be secured. [7] Initially, it was thought that the same water had made up the lake since the time of its formation, giving a residence time in the order of one million years. Helper(s): Animals Article, Ethan Roe for Initiative spot-checking, Write-up completed on the 20th of October, 2020. Only with more grasping sucker covered arms. The largest of these is Lake Vostok, discovered during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions of 1959/1964 and later confirmed by British scientists in the early 1970s. #aliens #antarctica A joint Russian, French, and United States team drilled and analyzed the core, which is 3,623m (11,886ft) long. Scientists suggested that the lake could possess a unique habitat for ancient bacteria with an isolated microbial gene pool containing characteristics developed perhaps 500,000years ago. The coldest naturally occurring temperature ever observed on Earth, 89C (128F), was recorded at Vostok Station on 21 July 1983. It is said it shaped into the form of a human diver. Lake Vostok ( Russian: , ozero Vostok) is the largest of Antarctica 's almost 400 known subglacial lakes . Your email address will not be published. The primary issues with DCI (decompression illness) stem from us having lungs and not gills, and breathing pressurized air at depth which expands as you rise. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram@reckonthedead, and we also have aFacebook page. In our modern world of conference video calling, or several altogether more hospitable and welcoming meeting destinations only a short flight away, that something must have influence and power. [35][41] This suggests the presence of a deep biosphere utilizing a geothermal system of the bedrock encircling the subglacial lake. Whatever the truth of the matter, there is no doubt that Antarctica attracts the attention of many across the planet and in different fields of interest. Tragically my colleague and lifelong friend was killed this way. [16] He theorized that the tremendous pressure exerted by the cumulative mass of thousands of vertical meters of ice could decrease the melting point at the lowest portions of the ice sheet to the point where the ice would become liquid water. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. Historic centre. Lake Vostok, Antarcticas hidden world beneath the ice, remains a source of fascination and intrigue for scientists and the public alike. As we have mentioned Antarctica is a subject of conspiracies of wide-reaching variety. The only human presence on Antarctica is a collection of international scientists. It could be a guardian to the entrance of some undersea subterranean realm, a guard to some other unknown secret, or simply brute labor run amok. Its unique environment offers invaluable insights into Earths history, the resilience of life in extreme conditions, and the potential for life beyond our planet. "The Organism 46B #Conspiracy And The "Aliens" Of Lake Vostok #aliens #antarctica" The monster was found during a dive that required low-temperature suits. Then, more recently,The Good Friends of Jackson Eliashave been discussing LovecraftsAt the Mountains of Madness, which takes place in Antarctica. Weve opted not to include pre-generated investigators with this scenario, instead letting your players develop some adventurous scientific types of their own. [3] The existence of a subglacial lake in the Vostok region was first suggested by Russian geographer Andrey Kapitsa based on seismic soundings made during the Soviet Antarctic Expeditions in 1959 and 1964 to measure the thickness of the ice sheet. Microbiologist David Pearce of the University of Northumbria in Newcastle, UK, stated that the DNA could simply be contamination from the drilling process, and not representative of Lake Vostok itself. Deep beneath the Antarctic ice sheet, a newly discovered lake may be the deepest ever discovered. We encountered Organism 46-B on our first day. Some of the theories were bordering on outlandish. It will use creative tactics to ambush its prey or to render its victims helpless before it strikes. Russian scientists using seismic soundings, critical data for climate scientists studying past climate fluctuations, drilled through the ice sheet and reached the surface of Lake Vostok, possibility of contamination from the drilling process, 33-foot-long, 14-legged squid-like creature, drilling process may have introduced foreign microbes, The Enfield Poltergeist: A Disturbing Case of Paranormal Activity in Suburban London, Project Looking Glass: The Enigmatic Quest for Time-Viewing Technology, The Varginha Incident: Brazils Most Infamous UFO Case. He decided to use a specimen tank to hold it; but they would need bait..A former professional athlete, Dr. Marta Kalashnik was chosen for the task. The story is almost certainly fictional, with at least one source citing the story to author C. Michael Forsythe (although the article I found online written by him lacked details found in many of the other articles). [51][52] Since then, a different team led by Scott O. Rogers has been identifying a variety of bacteria and fungi from accretion ice (not from the subglacial water layer) collected during U.S. drilling projects in the 1990s. The Lake Erie sample also had an almost completely different profile of bacterial and eukaryotic phyla. ", Lake Vostok Letter of Appeal to Russia, video documentary about Lake Vostok,, This page was last edited on 17 May 2023, at 00:28. Organism 46-B was an enormous 33ft (10m) long, 14-tentacled squid-like creature which lived in Lake Vostok, a subglacial lake located under two miles of ice beneath Vostok Station in the Antarctic. As we mentioned earlier, in late-2016, numerous political and religious leaders from across the globe would converge on Antarctica. Underneath Antarctica's miles of ice, you'll find approximately 400 subglacial lakes. Like other cephalopods, it possesses chromatophores which can change color or reflect light, and specialized papillae which allow it to control the texture of its skin. [35][42] Jupiter's moon Europa and Saturn's moon Enceladus may also harbor lakes or oceans below a thick crust of ice. The Russian military seized the discovery on the orders of Putin, himself. Lake Vostok, which is 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) from the South Pole, is thought to have been open to the air and surrounded by a forested ecosystem during the warmer climate that existed. However, no credible evidence has been presented to support these claims, and the story has been widely dismissed as a hoax or an urban legend. Centre for Polar Observation & Modelling glaciologists propose that many of the subglacial lakes of Antarctica are at least temporarily interconnected. What should we make of such claims? WE WANT TO BELIEVE!!!!!! What makes this lake so special is that . Or Hoax? Radio soundings have put it at nearly 10,000 feet, twice the depth of the currently known deepest lake in the world. [30] Geothermal heat from the Earth's interior may warm the bottom of the lake,[31][32][33] while the ice sheet itself insulates the lake from cold temperatures on the surface. There wasnt even mention of use of exotic gas mixes which technical divers use at depth (nitrogen becomes akin to laughing gas, and oxygen becomes toxic under pressure unless mixed with other gases, like helium). Organism 46B Story Explained Psychopoly 102K subscribers 33K views 10 months ago The story of the crazy Giant Monster Squid thing discovered beneath the ice of Antarctica in Lake Vostok.. What makes this lake so special is that it has been covered in ice, untouched, for at least 15 million years. It was capped to prevent potential contamination of the samples. Ice samples from cores drilled close to the top of the lake have been assessed to be as old as 420,000years. Furthermore, the lakes isolation and extreme conditions make it a prime candidate for hosting unique microbial life forms that could offer insights into the potential for life on other planets with similar conditions, such as Jupiters moon Europa or Saturns moon Enceladus. ", Later, while diving in the lake, the group was attacked, the creature releasing its venom which took hold of one of them. Perhaps Organism 46-Bs most frightening ability is to release a powerful neurotoxin. [61], Critics from the scientific community state that no valuable information can be obtained until they can test clean samples of lake water, uncontaminated by drilling fluid. [13] Also Sergey Bulat, a Lake Vostok expert at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Gatchina, Russia, doubts that any of the cells or DNA fragments in the samples would belong to organisms that might actually exist in the lake. To address these concerns, researchers have developed methods to minimize contamination risks and ensure the integrity of future sample collection efforts. Once there, he began to divulge what he knew of the secret activities taking place at Lake Vostok. I would, however, recommend that the Keeper read this scenario first so they can guide the players just a bit in character creation. (LogOut/ The drilling team left by aircraft on 6 February 2011. [55][56] Taxonomic classifications (to genus and/or species) or identification were possible for 1,623 of the sequences. ", "A large deep freshwater lake beneath the ice of central East Antarctica", "Frozen in time: Fossils from the Antarctic", "Miles Below Antarctic Ice, a Freshwater Lake May Harbor Ancient Life", "Columbia University Scientists Present Long Sought Opportunities to Safely Explore Life Within Earth's Most Ancient and Inaccessible Ecosystem", 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199213887.001.0001, "Insights into hydrological regime of Lake Vostok from differential behavior of deuterium and oxygen-18 in accreted ice", "Researchers find antarctic lake water will fizz like a soda", "The response of the subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica, to tidal and atmospheric pressure forcing", "DNA signature of thermophilic bacteria from the aged accretion ice of Lake Vostok, Antarctica: implications for searching for life in extreme icy environments", "Mystery of Antarctica's 15-Million Year-Old Lake", "Geomicrobiology of subglacial ice above Lake Vostok, Antarctica", "Russians hope to reach Lake Vostok for the first time soon", "Twenty years of drilling the deepest hole in ice", "Race against time for raiders of the lost lake", "Ice Above Lake Vostok Includes DNA From Animals", "Exotic microbes discovered near Lake Vostok | Science Mission Directorate", "Isolation of Microbes from Lake Vostok Accretion Ice", "Isolation of fungi from Lake Vostok accretion ice", "Subglacial Lake Vostok (Antarctica) Accretion Ice Contains a Diverse Set of Sequences from Aquatic, Marine and Sediment-Inhabiting Bacteria and Eukarya", "Antarctica's hidden Lake Vostok found to teem with life", "Metatranscriptomic and Metagenomic Analysis of Biological Diversity in Subglacial Lake Vostok (Antarctica)", "Claims of Lake Vostok fish get frosty response", "New Type of Bacteria Reportedly Found in Buried Antarctic Lake", "No unfamiliar microorganisms found in Lake Vostok water - researcher", "What Does Water That Has Not Seen The Light Of Day For 20 Million Years Contain? Dr. Anton Padalka claims to have been part of the first scientific expedition to explore the lake. After all, it wouldnt be the first time that shadowy governments of the world have stated one set of intentions and then discreetly carried out another. GETTY A scientist claims he discovered a killer octopus lurking beneath Arctic ice Doctor Anton Padalka claims he was part of a Russian scientific expedition to a subterranean lake in the Arctic. Its limbs were animate and aggressive even after amputation, and it showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence, including being able to communicate telepathically with humans.Show more. While the existence of Organism 46b is unsupported by evidence, researchers have indeed identified microbial life in samples retrieved from Lake Vostok. In this light, it would make sense that Organism 46-B could be the result of similar experimentation with cephalopods. The author does not own the rights to this content. [57] They found that the basal ice contained an almost completely different community of organisms compared to those found in the lake accretion ice, indicating that they signified two completely different ecosystems. Other Possibilities For The UFO Phenomena. Antarctica, the southernmost continent on Earth, is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. The sheer weight and pressure around 345 bars (5,000psi) of the continental ice cap on top of Lake Vostok is estimated to contribute to the high gas concentration. [7][49] The Russians resumed drilling into the lake in January 2012 and reached the upper surface of the water on 6 February 2012. In 2020, Colby Gura and Scott Rogers extended their study of Lake Vostok accretion ice, as well as the basal ice flowing into the lake. You may republish short quotes from this articlewith a reference back to the original UFO Insight article here as the source. However, it is certainly possible that the team was doing more than drilling core samples. Dive into the world of Project Looking Glass, a secretive government program rumored to have explored advanced time-viewing and manipulation technology. Episode 109: Lake Vostok & Organism 46-B - DISCUSSION THREAD, Scan this QR code to download the app now. It is also believed that Organism 46-B can regrow its tentacles after having them severed. The animal had limbs that were animate and aggressive even after amputation, could release a toxin into the water to immobilize its prey from a distance of up to 150 feet, displayed an astonishing degree of shapeshifting, and showed a considerable degree of both hostility and intelligence. After finally trapping the creature in a tank, the surviving members of the team brought it to the surface where they claim Russian officials seized the beast and told the international press that nothing had been found. The scientists who first encountered the creature believed it released the venom into the water from an organ similar to a normal octopus ink sac. It was referred to and eventually cataloged as Organism 46B. (LogOut/ [15], Russian scientist Peter Kropotkin first proposed the idea of fresh water under Antarctic ice sheets at the end of the 19th century. The lake has at least 22 cavities of liquid water, averaging 10 kilometers (6mi) each.[21]. In Luthors hands it possibly could be used to replicate such abilities in humans. The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition has argued that this manner of drilling is a profoundly misguided step which endangers Lake Vostok and other subglacial lakes in Antarctica (which some scientists are convinced are inter-linked with Lake Vostok). Lake Vostok (Russian: , ozero Vostok) is the largest of Antarctica's almost 400 known subglacial lakes. 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    lake vostok organism 46b